You need a team committed to making sure your goals become reality.

We have a lot of experience working with young professionals and executives in a number of high earning positions including tech, sales, law, accounting, medicine and more.

We help you develop the best tax efficient wealth accumulation strategies for your retirement, lifestyle and education for your kids. We can help you answer the difficult and complex questions like:

  • Should I incorporate?

  • Are RRSP’s worth it?

  • How do I split my income with my spouse?

  • What is the benefit of setting up my own pension?

  • How do I fund healthcare costs for a critical illness if the best care is outside of Canada?

  • What investment strategy will give me the highest probability to achieve my goals?

  • How do I insure and protect my family properly if something unexpected happens?

  • What is the best tax efficient wealth building strategy for me?

Become a client today.