Are you transitioning from working into retirement within the next 5 years?

What no one tells you about retiring is that your finances become a lot more complicated than when you were working. It is fairly normal for an average Canadian to have 5 to 10 different income sources in retirement. You now become responsible for ensuring you have enough money to live off of from your investments accounts RRSP’s/RRIF’s, LIRA’s, TFSA’s, DCPP’s, pension plans and more. The question is, how do I make sure I am doing the right thing when withdrawing from my investments and pensions?

Retirement Income Group got its name for helping Canadians transition from working into retirement. We help you solve the puzzle that answers, which investment account should I withdraw from first? Or, at what age should I start my CPP and OAS income? Or, what do I do with my pension?

These are questions that should not be taken lightly because they impact your standard of living in retirement and how much money money will get passed onto the people and causes you care about.

Retiring is a whole different world. It’s like starting a new job, or learning to play a new sport.

Become a client today.